Inventory Assessment

This is where it all starts! It includes three components that if done well lead to success, but if done poorly often result in disappointment.

  1. Identification– Includes identifying the tree species tagging and collecting the GPS location (when needed), and with measuring size. This is important as different species or even cultivars have different needs. In trees there is not “one size fits all”. It requires a custom approach which is built built on the species and age of the trees in the landscape.
  2. Inspection– a thorough evaluation of each individual tree for issues related to growth, pest or nutrition. This is based on the tree species, landscape location/placement and specific growing conditions.
  3. Valuation– the assigning of the general appraised value per guidelines of the Council for landscape plant appraisers.

This detailed report is provided to each client (see sample report) along with a map (see sample map).

Click here to learn how this assessment fits into the TreeKeeper program.