Protecting Vulnerable, High Value Trees

All trees are awesome, but some hold special value to us individually be it for Beauty, Function, or even Sentiment. While most are able to defend themselves, some are vulnerable to virulent pests or other disorders predisposing them to potential loss. These are the trees that have our undivided passion and attention.


Give Your Trees What They Need

Most of us don’t think of trees as “needy” which is understandable considering they seem to grow unassisted in natural forests all all over the globe. However, trees in urban settings are much different than in forests. Forests are often found with unaltered porous well drained soils mulched with multiple inches of leaf litter and a community of adjacent trees for protection and develop an upright habit. Conversely, urban trees are often planted singly into compacted, poorly drained soils, must compete for nutrients with turf (and sprayed with herbicides) and develop more horizontal branching.

These all combine to cause stress and vulnerabilities which require intentional management. Holistic tree health care can be broken down into (3) major management components, which we call the tree protection triangle.

Growth Management

Trees in the urban landscape can become vulnerable to loss from improper or excessive growth. Managing growth with skilled physical pruning, support systems, or with chemical growth regulators is a vital component of tree protection.

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The outdoor world is full of biotic things. Both seen or the unseen carried in the wind. While majority are beneficial, some have “chosen” to take a more sinister path to survival and can kill decade old trees in a few months.

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Nutrition Management

Just like us, trees can be lost to unmet nutritional needs directly or by causing weakened resistance and vulnerability to biotic pests. We have the experience, skills and tools to identify and treat nutritional deficiencies for good health for each individual tree.

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Give Your Trees What They Need

Most of us don’t think of trees as “needy” which is understandable considering they seem to grow unassisted in natural forests all all over the globe. However, trees in urban settings are much different than in forests. Forests are often found with unaltered porous well drained soils mulched with multiple inches of leaf litter and a community of adjacent trees for protection and develop an upright habit. Conversely, urban trees are often planted singly into compacted, poorly drained soils, must compete for nutrients with turf (and sprayed with herbicides) and develop more horizontal branching.

These all combine to cause stress and vulnerabilities which require intentional management. Holistic tree health care can be broken down into (3) major management components, which we call the tree protection triangle.

Growth Management

Trees in the urban landscape can become vulnerable to loss from improper or excessive growth. Managing growth with skilled physical pruning, support systems, or with chemical growth regulators is a vital component of tree protection.


The outdoor world is full of biotic things. Both seen or the unseen carried in the wind. While majority are beneficial, some have “chosen” to take a more sinister path to survival and can kill decade old trees in a few months.

Nutrition Management

Just like us, trees can be lost to unmet nutritional needs directly or by causing weakened resistance and vulnerability to biotic pests. We have the experience, skills and tools to identify and treat nutritional deficiencies for good health for each individual tree.

Our Approach to Tree Protection

Our approach to tree care- specifically to tree protection has been a 30 year evolution. To summarize into one word, it is probably best described as PROACTIVE. The current and traditional culture of tree care is more reactive:

– A tree branch or entire tree fails? Call someone to prune or remove it…often at great cost.

– A tree gets “sick”? Begin the search to find someone you trust to accurately diagnose and effectively treat it or pronounce it beyond hope and remove it…again often at a great financial and emotional cost.

This reactive approach can work, but to us there is a better way…a much better way. We call it TreeKeeper, which at its core has only two rational and simple steps that require time and knowledge to complete, but are vital for an effective tree protection strategy.

Step 1: Inventory Assessment
Step 2: Treatment Services

Your Trees Need You.

Give our certified arborist a call today to learn more about protecting your vulnerable, high value trees.