Treatment Services

Once the inventory assessment is complete, a treatment plan can be developed for an effective, cost efficient, budget conscious protection plan. This can include one or more of the three management pieces depending on the assessment findings.

  • Growth Management– Pruning, cabling or chemical growth regulators recommendations are made for each individual tree which vary greatly depending on tree species, size (or age) and location. For example, certain maples require significant pruning to protection, while many oaks require very little intervention if any. All important current or future needs are factored.
  • Pest Management– Foliar sprays, root or trunk injection or bark sprays are prescribed for individual trees based on specific needs. It is important to note that most insect or disease pests are cosmetic and need no treatment. Our opinion is that a good protection plan has a primary focus on pests with the ability to kill, reserving pesticide use only for truly vulnerable trees. We also believe the treatment with the least environmental impact should be the first choice.
  • Nutrition Management– Macro and/or micro nutrient supplements are prescribed for each tree in the form of root or trunk injection. Fortunately, most established trees in the urban setting require little intervention. However, a few tree species have significant vulnerability to certain nutrient deficiencies that can result in decline and death if left unmet.

Click here to learn how this treatments fit into the TreeKeeper program.